Crossing Worlds Hopi Projects

2017 Hopi Holiday Project

2017 Hopi Holiday Project

Crossing Worlds Hopi Projects welcomes supplies and cash donations in support Hopi families for the 18th annual Hopi Holiday Project

The Hopi are living descendants of the ancestors of the northern Arizona region.  As part of their ceremonial cycle of the year, Hopis visit shrine sites throughout the region to renew blessings for the well being of all of us and Mother Earth.“This Hopi Holiday Project winter gifting is from a place of respect and thanks acknowledging the challenges of living on an Indian reservation in remote Northeastern Arizona far from the economic resources of urban America,” says project director Sandra Cosentino.

Crossing Worlds Hopi Projects invites gifts for kids and elders:UnloadKidHelp2015-1200px

  • Kids: Learning aides, workbooks, flashcards, art supplies and sports equipment, coats, sweatsuits are needed for pre-school through high school youth.
  • Elders: Bagged toiletry sets for elders (e.g., shampoo, creme rinse, toothpaste/brush, soap, hair and nail grooming items, dental floss, towel, wash cloth).
  • Cash donations support purchase of food and supplies for families.

The December, 2017, Hopi Project tables/collection boxes will be at:

  •  Jay’s Bird Barn in the Sedona Safeway center on Saturdays, December 9, 16 and 23 from noon - 4 pm.
  • Collection boxes will at Great Southwest Gallery (Tlaquepaque: upstairs A207, near El Rincon courtyard) and the managers office during November and December.
Out of town shoppers can ship directly to our Hopi delivery team.
For more information, contact Sandra at or call 928-282-0846.
Project posters can be mailed or emailed to you to share with others.

Thank you for your support for Hopi people!

We accept donations in support of our Hopi projects. Our office costs, labor and gas are donated by our dedicated volunteers.

Our fiscal agent is Cornucopia Community Advocates, a 501c3 Arizona non profit corporation based in Sedona, AZ.

Tax-deductible donations are made out to Cornucopia with Crossing Worlds Hopi Projects in memo field. Mailing address: Crossing Worlds Hopi Projects, PO Box 3288, Sedona, AZ, 86340

to make a one-time donation:

to make a recurring monthly donation (use pull down menu or enter another amount):