25th annual
Hopi Winter Gifting Project poster
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Our all-volunteer group coordinates with Hopi community volunteers in several villages to distribute these supplies, which we deliver and ship during December and in January.
Donation link to make a secure credit card donation which goes directly to our Crossing Worlds Hopi Projects account with our fiscal agent Cornucopia Community Projects
To Mail a donation by CHECK:
Make check out to Manzanita Outreach with Crossing Worlds Hopi Projects in memo field and mail to:
Crossing Worlds Hopi Projects
P.O. Box 3288, Sedona, AZ, 86340
Our fiscal sponsor is Manzanita Outreach, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation (Tax ID: 27-4446452) and Arizona Qualifying Charitable Organization (QCO Code: 20701) based in Cottonwood, AZ.