Mission: Crossing Worlds Hopi Projects supports Hopi sustainability and self-empowerment and provides cross-cultural learning opportunities for all peoples.

Crossing Worlds Hopi Projects Since 1999: We continue to provide support for families, kids health and learning enhancement, cultural activities, Hopi youth field trips, permaculture, and Hopi initiatives that grow sustainability in these remote northern Arizona villages.

We offer public Hopi programs in the Sedona area.  We also coordinate with Verde Valley Archaeology Center and Red Rock Ranger District staff to bring Hopi families and youth to the Sedona area to participate in events and Puebloan Ancestor site field trips.


We conduct service projects on Hopi Indian lands and other northern Arizona locations in support of cultural continuance, self-reliance, self-esteem, self-empowerment and maintaining life in remote lands far from the economic resources of the modern world.

Kids Learning Enrichment Support for Hopi Youth in the Village of Shungopavi.

Orchard-Garden Projects
Home Repair
Youth Projects

Hopi Holiday Project

Photo by Jackie Klieger


Hopis continue an ancient tradition that values hard work, respect for life, humility, prayer, cooperation, sharing. A devout and kind-hearted People, giving and sharing are core values. They face economic challenges of living on a remote Indian reservation far from the resources of urban America.
Our support is from a place of respect and thanks acknowledging the challenges of living on an Indian reservation in remote Northeastern Arizona far from the economic resources of urban America.

Hopi Projects
Hopi Holiday-Winter Gifting Program
Get Involved
Photo Pages

Photo by Jackie Klieger

Cross-Cultural Education

We facilitate cross-cultural sharing: we believe that as we share in respect and friendship, valuing diversity, we all learn from each other in this great circle of life. We are a bridge for people to learn about and be inspired by the living earth and indigenous cultural wisdom and for Native people to speak in their own voice.

Cross-Cultural Education
Cultural Blog

Thank you for your tax-deductible donations in support of Hopi people and Hopi projects.  

 Can make a donation via Paypal here.

 Your donation goes to directly to our Crossing Worlds Hopi Projects account with our fiscal sponsor Manzanita Outreach

Our fiscal sponsor is Manzanita Outreach, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation (Tax ID: 27-4446452) and Arizona Qualifying Charitable Organization (QCO Code: 20701) based in Cottonwood, AZ.
Your donation to Manzanita Outreach qualifies you for the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit Donation.  You can receive a tax credit of up to $400 for individuals or $800 for married taxpayers.

Donations by mail: 

Tax-deductible donations are made out to:
Manzanita Outreach
with Crossing Worlds Hopi Projects in memo field

and mailed to:
Crossing Worlds Hopi Projects,
PO Box 3288, Sedona, AZ, 86340

Manzanita Outreach, based in Cottonwood, is the fastest growing and one of the largest food assistance providers in the State of Arizona. Their primary program activity is the Community Food Sharing Program. https://www.manzanitaoutreach.org/
"Our goal is to create the first food secure county in the Nation."
"Our mission is to share the abundance of resources within our communities with dignity and joy."


Crossing Worlds Hopi Projects, since 1999, has provided food and needed household and clothing items in winter when most needed.
All gifting is from a place of respect and thanks acknowledging that Hopi people are carrying on a tradition that is of importance to all the world. For more information.


Support for orchard/garden installations at Hopi in providing more of their own fresh food by planting orchards, berry vines, herbs and kitchen gardens with low water drip systems, mulching, contouring and other water saving permaculture garden techniques.

Hopi ceremonial procession of snake dancers on a kiva roof, 1900


Support for Hopi school children with learning, art and sports supplies. We support village leaders who identify special needs for clothing, winter coats, and beds.  Over the years, we have provided support for Hopi Foster Care, Hopi Head Start, Hopi Education Endowment Fund and other Hopi based groups.


Cross-cultural education programs in Sedona/Verde Valley area (which is part of Hopi ancestral lands):

  1. Provide support and coordination to bring Hopi people to share about life today, cultural information, arts, social dances with the interested public to provide a living connection to the descendants of the people who inhabited this valley for so many millennia.
  2. Provide support for Hopi youth/adult learning in coordination with the Verde Valley Archaeology Center and other resources in the Flagstaff/Verde Valley area.


We provide coordination, Hopi expertise, and planning and for viable, qualified off-reservation volunteer groups who offer support/donations for a Hopi village or individual Hopi project. We arrange for the group to receive a Hopi cultural orientation when they arrive at Hopi.  For example, we coordinated with a 2003 California Waldorf high school group which purchased supplies and built an outdoor bread oven under Hopi supervision. Our goal is: for Hopi people to benefit by receiving needed assistance, that the visiting group enters Hopi with cultural education, and that the project it is an experience of sharing in friendship and respect for all concerned.


Provide support for Hopi home repair projects with special focus on addressing health and safety concerns.


Future Program Goals: In these times of change, we are all learning from each other as we come together in circles of friendship and respect.

  1. Offer seminars which employ local Native people to share in a natural, experiential way cultural values, life ways and wisdom, creative expression (e.g. arts, storytelling, music) on Hopi and Navajo lands and other locations for individuals, families, groups.
  2. Coordinate authentic Continuing Education experiences taught by Hopis on Hopi land for teachers, social workers, health care providers and other interested people.   We have seen that over the years that many of these professional care providers also gain fresh inspiration to take back into their work and personal lives.

Photos on Home Page are by Sandra Cosentino, except historic images, and 5 by Jackie Klieger including Jackie's wonderful sisters photo at top of page.  We appreciate Jackie sharing her professional expertise with us for the past several years!

In support of Hopi sustainability and self-empowerment; and cross-cultural learning opportunities for all peoples.

1910 -Endurance, faith and hard work — hallmarks of Hopi.

Northern Arizona is the home of the Hopi Nation.  They chose this remote, high desert land 1,000 – 2,000 years ago, after thousands of years of migration around the Americas.

Hopi are descendants of the Puebloan Ancestors of the Colorado Plateau-Verde Valley region going back at least 12,000 years.  They continue an ancient tradition that values hard work, respect for life, humility, prayer, cooperation, sharing.   They honor life from the birth to the transition of a person into the realm of the ancestors.

Every day begins by welcoming Dawa, the Sun, and by giving thanks for life.  Hopi people’s prayers and ceremonies are for all peoples and to help maintain balance on Mother Earth.

A devout and kind-hearted People, giving and sharing are core values. The Hopis manage to grow corn in the desert without irrigation. Corn is life and proof of their faith, endurance and prayers.

In today’s world, Hopi people work to teach the children Hopi language and values.  They face economic challenges of living on a remote Indian reservation far from the resources of urban America.

Pictured - 1910 hauling water from a cistern.  The only water before modern wells was from springs and cisterns.

Sandra Cosentino, MS

Crossing Worlds Hopi Projects Director

A native of this land from an Arizona pioneer family, she draws on a lifetime's experience of exploring the Southwest , listening to Nature and sharing friendship and respect with indigenous Peoples. Creator, owner and head guide for Crossing Worlds Journeys, Sandra, M.S., has been offering quality experiences of the Southwest since 1991. Prior to that she was a school teacher, natural resource manager, forest service fire look-out and worked professionally for and with Native American groups.

Deborah Williams

Crossing Worlds Hopi Projects Administrator

Deborah holds a deep respect for the Hopi people and has been a dedicated volunteer and supporter of Crossing Worlds Hopi Projects since 2003.Deborah owns Sedona Sky, LLC a Web Design, Web Hosting and Virtual Tour company serving the Sedona area since 2003. She is also a Licensed Massage Therapist practicing since 1989 and owner/operator of Ancient Sea Spa Services.

Stay in Touch with Us


+1 (928) 282 0846

P.O. Box 3288 
Sedona, AZ 86340